Monday, June 11, 2007

Bullying in Cyberspace

The assembly on Cyberbullying was very educational. It not only taught us of the eminent consequences of using the web to victimize someone but it also taught us of the common use of Facebook and Myspace to do this. It was a real wake up call and many wondered why the guest speaker had happened upon our school. Of course many of us had subtle thoughts of Myspace comments and Facebook groups, not only targeting students but members of the school faculty as well and as the speaker began to grow upon the subject of the consequences of doing such a heinous thing, the subtle thoughts grew into more of a clear picture. I think that the sudden realization of the immenseness of cyber bullying then began to rear its head.

We believe that Cyberbullying is any type of harassment that takes place on the web or with any type of electronic device. This would put text messages and emails in this category. I believe the best type of punishment for this type of harassment should be possibly a sentencing to a correctional facility for repeat offenders. First time offenders should be suspended from school there electronics should be confiscated and they should go to either counseling with a counselor or peer counseling involving the victim. Ultimately if a person doesn’t want face the consequences they should not bully anyone. Clearly bullying in general is a growing epidemic and is being recognized more and more through out the world. The punishments will get harsher, but nothing compares to the guilty conscience that one has after harassing someone to an extreme point. Cyber bullying should be stopped at any cost, our generation and future generations depend on a safe, and more secure environment. I mean the stress of school and pressure from family and peers is bad enough, does our society really need to be put down by one another? No it doesn’t, we should not have to tolerate such things.


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